Saturday 15 March 2014

FAQ (Pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan) dalam Wawancara Guru

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan dalam wawancara guru oleh Pewawancara:
1.        Mengapa Anda memutuskan untuk menjadi seorang guru?
2.        Apa filosofi pengajaran Anda?
3.        Apa jenis struktur manajemen kelas yang akan Anda terapkan jika Anda dipekerjakan?
4.        Bagaimana Anda akan menggunakan teknologi di dalam kelas?
5.        Apakah Anda memiliki pengalaman meningkatkan kepercayaan diri siswa? Jika ya, bagaimana?
6.        Apa filosofi yang Anda pegang untuk pekerjaan Anda?
7.        Apakah Anda akan tertarik untuk berpartisipasi dalam setelah kegiatan sekolah?
8.        Apakah Anda memiliki pertanyaan untuk saya?
Untuk petunjuk jawabannya silahkan ikuti terus posting-posting berikut di 

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Double Good News, for Schools and Teachers (2)

Edumate International was born out of passion to provide academic help for students regardless of their schools and curricula. We believe that every student wants to succeed, but some are frustrated by lack of achievement and progress. By applying holistic tuition we make each session fun and rewarding.

As we walk through our journey in education, we encountered not only students and their parents who need help, but the other stakeholders of education like teachers, principals and school-owners are also facing their unique problems in performing their noble tasks or achieving their academic goals.

In addressing the demanding environment, EVERY Teacher needs to constantly upgrade their skills and to find a better career. On the other hand, Principals/School-owners need to find qualified teaching staff for the opted curriculum and the planned subjects.

Hence, since 2014 we started New Consulting Services of:
1.   Institute-Professional MATCHING, which helps Schools and Education Professionals meeting each other’s expectations and requirements in job offering and seeking.
2.   Teacher Trainings on specific curricula,
3.   Learning Style and Multiple Intelligence Assessment for School Students,
4.   Study Skill Trainings for School Students and
5.   Direct Teacher Assistance to schools in certain subjects/curricula.

For teacher sign-up, please go to
For more inquiry, please contact 061-75018195.

Double Good News, for Schools and Teachers (1)

In today's competitive environment, role of teacher has become more important for enhancing the learning and thinking skills of students. On the other hand, when it comes to picking the right teachers, most schools are facing difficulties. Concerns about whether or not their students will be professionally taken care, or whether or not the teachers will offer the proper coaching by considering the student's weaker areas, are some of the common considerations when attempting to find an ideal teacher.

One of the elements that have to be given priority is that the teacher has to understand the students' mindset and should encourage an otherwise average kid to obtain good grades.

A good teacher will be able to guide the student and improve the student's study skills too. The teacher's knowledge and passion combined with his or her experience to locate the student's weaker areas will achieve the desired results.

At Edumate International, our passion is to match the right teacher with your school’s requirements and your students’ unique requirements.

Our pool of teachers have experience in many top schools. (More about Edumate at